Dear Opera Patron,

Welcome to Martinez Opera Contra Costa, the home of the first opera company in California! MTZO was originally founded in 1889 by Professor Walter Bartlett of Boston. At that time Martinez was the cultural center of Contra Costa County. After lying dormant for fifty years, it was reinstated as a non-profit organization in 2002. Our commitment to the community is realized by providing  professional operatic entertainment, educate youth in and out of school and outreach into the community through free concerts. Our organization is supported by strong leadership, talented artists and production staff and the dedication of many volunteers working countless hours to make MTZO a success.  We hope you enjoy your visit to our website and please be sure to sign our mailing list so we can keep you informed about our upcoming events and performances.

Kindest Regards,

Maria Billingsley
Executive Director Martinez Opera Contra Costa


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